Thursday, October 18, 2007


Sorry...I haven't blogged because I'm bored. The dog is bored. The cat is bored. My sister appears to be bored. We're BORED!!

Evidence? Here:


Anonymous said...

I don't know who sleeps more........sister or the dog!

Anonymous said...

Sistor sleeps more!

Anonymous said...

im not asleep!! this is false advertising!! im watching tv!!

karinski said...

those are adorable pictures!

lace1070 said...

These pics are so cute! Good to see you have company in your sea of boredom! ~Lace

Cindy said...

Aaahhh, everybody wanted to be bored with you.

From, bored at the beac

Bianka said...

Super cute pictures!

This is just my story of my experience with Chiari. Until I was diagnosed, I'd never heard of it, and I just want more people to be aware of it. I'm not a doctor, so don't quote me on any of this stuff - k? If you are looking for information about Chiari Malformation, a lot of the more informative posts are the older ones.