Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Super Woman is Grounded

I did WAY too much on Tuesday - flew home, caught up with blogs, emails, etc, read all of the mail and talked on the phone. And so the hubby has grounded me. Sigh! He's right though, so I only get the laptop when he allows me talking on the phone...basically I'm required to take lots of naps!

Let's see...
The flight home was uneventful - the titanium plate with 32 staples did NOT set off the metal detector - I was a little disappointed.

I did not use a wheelchair, thus walking the Denver Airport from curb to gate B25. Hubby upgraded our seats so that we sat in the first row...totally smooth!!!

I got home and caught up with everything, which is what got me in trouble.

If you call/text and I don't answer, I promise I don't hate you...I'll get back to you ASAP and I really appreciate you thinking of me!


Bianka said...

Awww Willard loves you! He wants you to get well. You better be a good wifey and mind him! :)

Unknown said...

Will is a good man!

lace1070 said...

Glad to see that you are home ~ I am praying for a smooth and quick recovery for you! ~Lace

Cindy said...

Listen to your hubby. Mine had to do the same with me. I overdid it the first week and suffered later. Just take a page from Felix's book,,,lots of naps !

Hugs from afar, Cindy

Anonymous said...

No Will, we love her blogs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did flying effect you before the surgery? my brother has chiari and is flying for the first time and is more nervous than most because of the pressure change. any advice for him?

This is just my story of my experience with Chiari. Until I was diagnosed, I'd never heard of it, and I just want more people to be aware of it. I'm not a doctor, so don't quote me on any of this stuff - k? If you are looking for information about Chiari Malformation, a lot of the more informative posts are the older ones.